Dawn Patrol is alive and well, The general round robin news letter is off line due to personal reasons, other than that no change other than some seriously tasty new A/C will be on show this season. Regards Ken Hart 2854
Maybe a tad off topic, but there is a rumour that the day may come when we fall in line with otheres in that that the limit before needing an inspector may well go up to 25kg. True or not I cant see that beeing anything but a good idea as there are many now building A/C that hover just below 42lbs a...
Very sad to hear the news we have lost a true gentleman and a huge contributor to the hobby. May I give my sincere condolences to his family at this time. Ken Hart 2854
All is not lost Shackleton wise, the early ones were tail draggers and had Griffon engines. I was stationed at RAF Ballykelly in the 1960s and in the early winter mornings going to the section they were parked up all floodlit and didnt half look like Lancasters from some angles. regards Ken 2854