Charger/ cycler

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Charger/ cycler

Postby nickhenderson » April 10th, 2011, 7:54 pm

Reccomendations please on a good all round workshop based charger cycler capable of multi packs and varying battery types and voltages. Am i asking the impossible??
Thanks. ;)

Alan Cantwell 1131
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Re: Charger/ cycler

Postby Alan Cantwell 1131 » April 10th, 2011, 8:22 pm

anything from mainlink, i use the delta 6 for multiple charging, they also do great cyclers, my delta 6 has a 12 volt source as well as 240 volt, connect battery, press button, wait for light to go out,

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Re: Charger/ cycler

Postby nickhenderson » April 20th, 2011, 7:45 pm

Hello Alan, thanks for the speedy reply. Seems that lots of people have viewed this topic but none have a view to offer, why i wonder as you must all have some form of at least a charger.
Please do pitch in. ;)

Andy Boylett
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Re: Charger/ cycler

Postby Andy Boylett » April 20th, 2011, 10:30 pm

Hi Nick,
Myself and my son fly all electric and have 9 chargers that we use regularly and 2 spares. All our chargers are the HobbyKing & Turnigy brand. These are all based on the same software and controlled using 4 buttons and an LCD screen (all identical). They charge ANY type of battery (LiPo, Li, Pb, NiMh etc). The only difference in the chargers is their power rating. The cheaper chargers ($24) work at 50watts max. Our bigger chargers are 400w and can pump 20amps into 22.2v LiPo's, but need 20 amp 18v supply. Obviously the higher the power the faster you can charge.

All these chargers are superb and we have no problems with them. These can all be bought through UK suppliers or direct from HobbyKing. Here are some links....

400w, $80 Turnigy (my favourite)

200w, $40
200w, $38

150w, $37
150w, $42 Turnigy

50w, $25, IMax B6 (very popular)
50w, $23, Turnigy

Regards, Andy

Posts: 39
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Re: Charger/ cycler

Postby nickhenderson » April 21st, 2011, 8:42 pm

Thanks for the links Andy, do any of these cycle as well? Why in my mind do i see a charger on a bicycle? I know i could read up on the spec on each one but why not ask someone who knows these products.

Alan Cantwell 1131
Posts: 1679
Joined: June 15th, 2009, 8:21 pm

Re: Charger/ cycler

Postby Alan Cantwell 1131 » April 21st, 2011, 9:11 pm

I prefer a cycler to be a separate item, most cycles need 2-3 cycles to get the battery to its best, while this is going on, you cannot, generally, just charge the batteries, even with the mainlink gear, i use 2 units, just today, i have a set on cycle, this is expected to take 2 days, as they are trickle charged at the correct amount needed, automatically by the cycler, on the other hand, right at this moment, i have 2 tranny batts, and 4 reciever batts on charge, no setting needed, just plug in, and press the button, the charger decides when the battery is done, and knocks itself off, this mainlink gear is the dogs dangleies not cheap, but the best i have ever used

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