Weslake 274 propeller size.

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Karl mander
Posts: 174
Joined: October 31st, 2011, 10:41 am

Weslake 274 propeller size.

Postby Karl mander » March 4th, 2012, 5:21 pm

I've recently run up a weslake 274 which is fitted into a 1/4 scale
Tempest ii.
Unfortunately I''m looking for the correct size of propeller, can anybody help?

Karl Mander

Posts: 136
Joined: December 16th, 2008, 10:36 pm
Location: Kingswinford

Re: Weslake 274 propeller size.

Postby robbieskipton » March 5th, 2012, 12:10 pm

your best bet is to speak to Ian Nichol at AID in Scotland phone no. on AID web site. But would say you need a 34X12 or 34x14 you could even go to a 36x10 on a 2 blade. On 3 blade a 32x10 or 30x12. Problem with big engines is no one person has the definitive answer, it depends on application, and how fast you want it to rev. my 3w 342 has taken 4 different props to get it near to where I expect it to be.3w said a 39x10 i'm now at a 42 x 10, and you would think 3w would know.....wouldn't you. Ian can also get any prop up to 62" diameter.
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