push rods

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john lucas

push rods

Postby john lucas » October 23rd, 2013, 6:48 pm

I am looking for American size 0.93inch / 2.3mm which I believe is 13swg for a P47. The nearest I can get to the size is 12swg. If possible I would like to get the American size as 12swg is a little to tight for the push rod tubes. The wire needs to 48" long. I have tried soldering M3 ends to the American wire but are unable to get the solder to take to the wire even using flux and cleaning with emery cloth.

sean smith
Posts: 210
Joined: December 19th, 2008, 2:25 pm

Re: push rods

Postby sean smith » October 24th, 2013, 6:35 am

Hi John,
I used 48" 4-40 steel push rods on my 109 with M3 threaded ends brazed on both ends.
Du-Bro in the US do them but i think my ones were Great Planes.

48" Threaded Rod (4-40)#891
48" long (1220mm) .093 rod 4-40 thrd. 24/tube.
USD$ 1.79


john lucas

Re: push rods

Postby john lucas » October 28th, 2013, 1:51 pm

thanks for the info, I will it a try.

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