JR DSX9 trainer system

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David Jones
Posts: 413
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JR DSX9 trainer system

Postby David Jones » March 17th, 2014, 3:56 pm

I'm hoping somebody out there can help us. We have two JR DSX9 transmitters which we want to connect together so they can be used as master and slave for training purposes. We know how to set up for transfering model data from one to the other, and setting up as "master" and "slave". Everything works okay, ailerons, which are mixed on ail and aux 2, rudder, throttles (Y lead), flaps (matchboxes), and landing gear. The only problem we have is the elevators, which are mixed on ele and aux 3, one goes up and the other goes down. Reversing the servo direction on the slave makes no difference.

The only difference between the two transmitters is the "master" is the Mk1 version and is Mode 2 and the "slave" is the Mk2 version and is Mode 1. We've checked all the settings in the system menus, ie stick mode and direction, and we've played about with settings in the "device select" and "wing type" menues. I'm convinced we are missing a trick somewhere so any advice would be gratefully received. Dave Jones.

Matt Harrowven
Posts: 70
Joined: December 4th, 2008, 6:35 pm

Re: JR DSX9 trainer system

Postby Matt Harrowven » March 21st, 2014, 9:32 pm

It's been a while since I messed with the dsx9 but I think you may need to 'mate' Ele and Aux3.

Sorry if you already tried it.

LMA No. 3066

Paul Williams
Posts: 28
Joined: June 27th, 2011, 7:09 pm

Re: JR DSX9 trainer system

Postby Paul Williams » March 24th, 2014, 7:29 pm

When setting up a training setup don't transfer over the model, start with a blank model with no mixes, that should then work with reversing etc. I have done this between a DSX9 and a Speky DX 7 and a 9X2

David Jones
Posts: 413
Joined: January 24th, 2010, 8:21 pm
Location: Rossendale Lancs

Re: JR DSX9 trainer system

Postby David Jones » March 26th, 2014, 9:58 am

Thanks Matt and Paul, I'm in the throws of getting a new Cesna Skylane finished to test fly at the weekend. As soon as I've done that I'll try again with the Dak. Matt, is there a difference between Mix and Mate? Paul, I think I have tried pairing up with a blank model memory, but I'll try again. I do know it's not an issue between mode 1 and mode 2 because I remember now that my mate, Alan, first flew his B25 on a buddy lead and that was mode 2 master and mode 1 student. Both radios were DSX 9's. I'll keep you posted with my progress in the next couple of days. Jonesey.

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