tiger moth tail wheel help

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richard armstrong
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tiger moth tail wheel help

Postby richard armstrong » March 1st, 2016, 6:47 pm

i need advice on how to connect a tail wheel to rudder

the original skid has broken off i had the tail wheel in stores, springs no strong enough

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i would like to get a 1/4 scale tail wheel built at some point but for know need a stop gap solution

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all advice welcome, i am a little stuck,

i have looked at other ideas on google but need help understanding the engineering aspect and getting the measurements right

one idea is to make an A shape plate
Richard "the rocket" Armstrong

"Fly me to the moon" then crash and burn BABY!

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paul needham
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Re: tiger moth tail wheel help

Postby paul needham » March 3rd, 2016, 7:29 pm

Putting a tail wheel on a tiggy ? you should be shot for having such an idea ! Yes I know its been done occasionally but Geoffrey de Havilland didn't put one on originally.

Dave Berry 2911
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Re: tiger moth tail wheel help

Postby Dave Berry 2911 » March 3rd, 2016, 7:38 pm

A skid is the only way to go on one of those. No issue if you do the right amount of throttle blipping and elevator control.

Chris Berry

richard armstrong
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Re: tiger moth tail wheel help

Postby richard armstrong » March 3rd, 2016, 8:08 pm

i have design a new assembly that can have either skid or tail wheel

i opted for tail wheel because the ground i fly from is very rough but i can swap out for the skid

decision to make? i don;t want G Dehavilland Turing in his grave, LOL
Richard "the rocket" Armstrong

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richard armstrong
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Re: tiger moth tail wheel help

Postby richard armstrong » March 5th, 2016, 8:25 pm

fixed the tail issues made a new drag for it and made a 35mm collect

pics to follow

now fitting new petrol motor NGH38cc, need to know do this motor required a couple of degrees to compensate for rudder input
Richard "the rocket" Armstrong

"Fly me to the moon" then crash and burn BABY!

Alan Cantwell 1131
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Re: tiger moth tail wheel help

Postby Alan Cantwell 1131 » March 5th, 2016, 10:40 pm

You mean compensate for the torque, wouldnt do any harm, but it may just need more, or less, once its in the air

richard armstrong
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Re: tiger moth tail wheel help

Postby richard armstrong » March 5th, 2016, 10:55 pm

ok thanks
Richard "the rocket" Armstrong

"Fly me to the moon" then crash and burn BABY!

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