Setting up a carburettor on a 26cc petrol

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richard armstrong
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Setting up a carburettor on a 26cc petrol

Postby richard armstrong » July 1st, 2016, 10:28 am

Hi all

I'm wondering if someone can give me some advice I have a 26cc petrol engine that keeps losing it's high and low tuning everytime We try and start it we have to readjust or tweak the high and low to get it to start the engine has been sat for a year and had a new CD I put on it this year plus the tank has been cleaned just wondering could it be the diaphragm that's causing the issue as it's been dried out for quite a while is there anything else I need to check because I'm scratching my head because this engine has already been set up once and then just sat there is it worth changing the diaphragm
Richard "the rocket" Armstrong

"Fly me to the moon" then crash and burn BABY!

Cary Bailey
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Re: Setting up a carburettor on a 26cc petrol

Postby Cary Bailey » July 1st, 2016, 10:57 am

Yes! 1st rule of leaving an engine for a long period of time, leave fuel in the tank to keep diaphragm lubricated. 2nd rule is no fuel in tank change diaphragm!

richard armstrong
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Re: Setting up a carburettor on a 26cc petrol

Postby richard armstrong » July 1st, 2016, 1:35 pm

thanks cary
i did leave fuel in it but it dried out

i will change the diaphragm, which ones do i change? the assembly diaphragm or/and the pump diaphragm?

just have to find the right diaphragms for the carb

the carb is similar to a walbro, but branded HiLO (MT14b2)
Richard "the rocket" Armstrong

"Fly me to the moon" then crash and burn BABY!

richard armstrong
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Re: Setting up a carburettor on a 26cc petrol

Postby richard armstrong » July 1st, 2016, 4:42 pm

the carbs is not a walbro but an HI-IC mt14b2/1401 tyep not sure ui have the diaphragm for it very similar to a WALBRO #WT-6 i think i will post a photo?
Richard "the rocket" Armstrong

"Fly me to the moon" then crash and burn BABY!

richard armstrong
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Re: Setting up a carburettor on a 26cc petrol

Postby richard armstrong » July 1st, 2016, 5:32 pm

DSCF1096crop.jpg (229.33 KiB) Viewed 6346 times
DSCF1092crop.jpg (244.56 KiB) Viewed 6346 times
Richard "the rocket" Armstrong

"Fly me to the moon" then crash and burn BABY!

richard armstrong
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Re: Setting up a carburettor on a 26cc petrol

Postby richard armstrong » July 1st, 2016, 5:34 pm

DSCF1094crop.jpg (217.54 KiB) Viewed 6346 times

DSCF1098crop.jpg (235.38 KiB) Viewed 6346 times
Richard "the rocket" Armstrong

"Fly me to the moon" then crash and burn BABY!

richard armstrong
Posts: 796
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Re: Setting up a carburettor on a 26cc petrol

Postby richard armstrong » July 1st, 2016, 10:12 pm

thanks sean that was helpful

carb repair kit ordered
Richard "the rocket" Armstrong

"Fly me to the moon" then crash and burn BABY!

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