PC10 paint & satin fuelproofer for WW1 models

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Kevin Steven Wesley
Posts: 18
Joined: February 21st, 2013, 6:25 pm

PC10 paint & satin fuelproofer for WW1 models

Postby Kevin Steven Wesley » March 21st, 2024, 9:41 pm

Hi Guys,
I'm after some advice on finishing a third scale Mick Reeves Camel. I know you Dawn Patrol pilots will have solved this problem many times before. I would like to know what PC10 paint you use, and what fuel proofer, if any you use. (the model is petrol powered) I have the Gluelines/Spectra PC10 aerosols which looks to my eyes to be about the right colour, but it dries matt. i have tried there satin lacquer over the top of it. but it just doesn't look right. Perhaps i could use a different brand of satin proofer, but i'm concerned about paint adhesion ? I am hoping that maybe someone could advise me on a tried and tested paint solution. I do have a compressor, so could use that if the paint suggested only comes in that format. Thanks in advance. Best Regards Kev

Posts: 48
Joined: December 10th, 2008, 3:02 pm

Re: PC10 paint & satin fuelproofer for WW1 models

Postby IAN TURNEY-WHITE » March 24th, 2024, 9:28 am

Kevin , possibly you could contact Phil Clark at Fighter Aces , they sell the excellent Klascote paint which I believe includes PC10 colour , the gloss/satin/matt effect is adjustable via the type and proportions of the resin that you can mix , but I think its available in gloss and satin ?
Best regards Ian Turney-White

Kevin Steven Wesley
Posts: 18
Joined: February 21st, 2013, 6:25 pm

Re: PC10 paint & satin fuelproofer for WW1 models

Postby Kevin Steven Wesley » March 24th, 2024, 2:11 pm

Thank you Ian, I'll do just that. Best regards Kev

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