How much does your Hellcat weigh?

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stewart clifford
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How much does your Hellcat weigh?

Postby stewart clifford » December 3rd, 2010, 6:18 pm

Just trying to get an idea of the all up weight for a Ziroli Hellcat, I've seen some on American sites which are well over 20Kg. Ideally I would like to fit a Z62 for power, which should help keep the weight down.
So if you've built one or have one I would be interested to know how much it weighs.


Gregg Veasey
Posts: 339
Joined: December 4th, 2008, 9:46 pm

Re: How much does your Hellcat weigh?

Postby Gregg Veasey » December 3rd, 2010, 9:10 pm


There have been a total of 5 in the TJD team, 3 of which still remain. Nigel and the 2 Danny's are the owners so will be able to assist


Arthur Fielding
Posts: 104
Joined: February 3rd, 2009, 8:18 pm

Re: How much does your Hellcat weigh?

Postby Arthur Fielding » December 4th, 2010, 9:07 pm

Have built the Ziroli Hellcat but wih no retracts .( Yes i know, but the cost and the fact that i fly off a rough strip put me off )
Fitted zenoha 80 which go`s` inside the cowl. Three batts one for the flap servos 4 of, and two to run the rest of the radio
Glass cloth and paint finish ,No lead weighs 31lbs all up
Flys at treat nice slow landings
Friend of mine has one with retracts the weight is a secrect but well over the 40lb mark still flys well.
I fitted an 80 cos i had one ,the two others i know about have taked out Z 62 to fit bigger engines
Nice scale speed with Z62 but not a lot of go.
Hope this helps
Reguards Arthur

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