I came to start the model the other day, spent a while getting it ready making sure it was safe to start after its rest. It started no trouble at all, a few extra turns of the prop to prime it and then a couple of flicks and started. I took it for a short flight and landed it after I heard the engine note fluttering a little.
Anyway, next day go to start it again to see if it needs a some tuning and it would not start at all. It would fire up for a one or two cycles but very quickly stalled.
There is a healthy and consistent spark and I noticed some air in the fuel tube. So I took the carb off, opened it up and found some dirt in the gauze filter inside, cleaned that out and removed the mix screws and blew through anywhere I could. All back together again and the engine still won't fire up, yes it runs for more than a few cycles this time, might be as much as a few seconds, but it will not rev and eventually stalls.

Does anyone have any suggestions. I'm convinced it's the fuel and the carb, but I not sure on exactly how to clean the carb.
BTW, the engine has been run in and has about 5 to 10 hours of flight on it with no trouble at all other than a small change to the mix screws when changing oil ratios.