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ZG 62 and torquemaster

Posted: October 1st, 2010, 10:00 am
by Alan Riozzi
Looking for some advice on the starting tecnique of torquemaster with an easystart.
Engine runs perfect and starts easy without torquemaster.
With torquemaster engine gives a slight crack and slight puff of smoke from exhaust but won't run.
If i drive prop through all magnets the prop tends to slip and won't go over TDC. If i take the prop to compression and then flick it will drive over TDC. Don't want to tighten belt much more as starting to put downwoud pressure on crankshaft.
Thanking you all

Re: ZG 62 and torquemaster

Posted: October 1st, 2010, 9:03 pm
by ian redshaw
I've run a few of these units and what you are doing is just what I do, both with and without an easy start. Winding back off compression is definately the way to go. If the belt is slipping but not too slack, has it collected some exhaust goo. The slightest bit will cause a slip. You are dead right not to have the belt too tight to save the bearings and crank. Could it be that the motor is not wet enough? I know in one model I had to choke quite a bit. 2 or 3 coughs on choke was sometimes not enough. Is the motor upright, side mounted or inverted? In another model, the motor is almost sidewinder with the carb at the bottom, this configuration needs even more choking since most of the charge falls out of the carb!!!

Hope this helps, what the model?


Re: ZG 62 and torquemaster

Posted: October 2nd, 2010, 4:26 pm
by Alan Riozzi
Thanks for the advice Ian
Have thouroughly cleaned pulleys and belt, but it has never run on torquemaster so was probably clean.
Have tightened the belt a fraction more so i can fick over generating about 90 degrees swing before going over TDC.
Will try choking a bit more also. will try again tomorrow or early in the week.
At the moment the engine is in a test stand in an inverted position.
It will be going in a Mick Reeves Camel