Andy Boylett wrote:Thanks Mark,
I am particularly interested in what measures are taken with our model planes re preventing flutter, such as your tip re stiffness of the control surface (thank you).
All of the hinge points on my control surface are at the leading edge of the surfaces so there is no opportunity for mass balancing. This means that I need to get the servo torques large enough to prevent flutter. Twenty five years ago I could calculated this, but now may be a little difficult. Has anyone come across any programs to help with this.
Andy Boylett wrote:I wondered if anyone had calculated the torque put back onto a servo by a 'flutter' of the control surface.....getting technical........In engineering speak we look to say calculate the resultant load from the aileron if the wing was peturbed by a 30g (or 60g) impulse perpendicular load (turbulance), thus inducing a high frequency vibration (flutter) of the wing/aileron. I know that these loads can be huge and may well be higher than the servo torques required for normal control. If we could calculate the 'flutter' loadings then it would be nice any easy to add the 'flutter' servo torque and the normal control servo torque together and make sure we always have more umph available....thus avoiding ever having a flutter!
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