Shiny lithoplate

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Mike Ellis
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Shiny lithoplate

Postby Mike Ellis » January 7th, 2011, 4:16 pm

Can anyone tell me where i could obtain so shiny lithoplate at least 15 thou thick ?

And also am I correct in thinking that with the spectrum 9100 recieve,r where two batteries can be used, Reading the instructions , it would appear to say that only ONE on /off switch is required, and that BOTH batterries can be charged through the single switch charging lead. Have I read it right ?? I,m no tecnophobe !!

Thanks guys.

Mike. LMA 652

Andy Boylett
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Re: Shiny lithoplate

Postby Andy Boylett » January 7th, 2011, 11:09 pm

I have a 9100 in my 1/4 scale Citabria (4.2Kw electric).

The receiever has 2 seperate batteries and each has its own switch between it and the receiver to connect the power to the receiver. I fitted these power on/off switches and they are not part of the receiver. When a bettery is connected a small led lights on the receiver. There is a seperate led for each bettery.

The 'switch' that is part of the receiver is a 'soft' switch. This means that it does not actually directly connect the power through the switch itself. It is an electornic switch that tells the receiver to turn on or off and is I beleive fail safe, so it fails on.

So, when powering up this model I have 3 switches. First turn on both batteries, check the led's on the receiver are lit, then turn on the receiver switch.


Mike Ellis
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Re: Shiny lithoplate

Postby Mike Ellis » January 7th, 2011, 11:48 pm

Thanks Andy.
Now I am even more confused lol I understand now,that I will have to use a switch for each battery to be connected to, BUT as there is also a charge lead on each switch, do I not just plug each lead from the switch into my charger so each battery is charged on its own ? ALso am I now correct in thinking that I need ANOTHER switch JUST so I can switch the reciever on too ??
Whew !! I used to use twin batteries &two switches with charging leads and also Ghost Squadron battery backer in my 35MGZ sets !! Just plug the swich charging leads in and charge up !! It would appear the 9100 is differrent ??

Andy Boylett
Posts: 445
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Re: Shiny lithoplate

Postby Andy Boylett » January 8th, 2011, 12:29 am

yes, you charge each battery seperately. If you are using switches with charge points then you can charge through them.

I use LiPo batteries, so I take them out of the plane to charge them.

Also, re Lithoplate...I get it from here They sell every type. The "whale brand" is the general purpose one I normally use.


Phil Clark
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Re: Shiny lithoplate

Postby Phil Clark » January 8th, 2011, 10:09 am


In the 9100 systems I have done, I have always used 5 cell NiMh packs.......these generally come with 2 sets of is to be fitted with the blue e-flight connector supplied with the Rx and plugged into the fly leads from the RX, the 2nd set of for charging. Batteries are charged separately, so if you want to charge both at the same time, either 2 chargers or 1 charger with 2 identical outputs will be required.

Regarding the switch, I have only even used the swithes supplied with the RX's....I've never fitted a 3rd.

Litho.......I have never seen 'shiney' (polished) litho, it's always come with a fairly dull brushed surface finish, so if you want it shiney, get the T-cut out!!! If you can find you local lithographic printers, they will often supply it FOC......alternatively, try you aluminium scrap merchant.

Last edited by Phil Clark on January 8th, 2011, 8:08 pm, edited 1 time in total.

Mark Partington 2989
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Re: Shiny lithoplate

Postby Mark Partington 2989 » January 8th, 2011, 10:48 am

Andy Boylett wrote:Also, re Lithoplate...I get it from here They sell every type. The "whale brand" is the general purpose one I normally use.

Andy, that's Tufnol which is a fabric based laminate - Lithoplate is very thin aluminium sheet - 2 very different beasties

Tonka Toys, Big Boys Toys

Andy Boylett
Posts: 445
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Re: Shiny lithoplate

Postby Andy Boylett » January 8th, 2011, 6:14 pm

[quote="Mark Partington 2989"
Andy, that's Tufnol which is a fabric based laminate - Lithoplate is very thin aluminium sheet - 2 very different beasties

oops, wrong link.....


Andy Boylett
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Re: Shiny lithoplate

Postby Andy Boylett » January 8th, 2011, 6:22 pm

Phil Clark wrote:Mike
Regarding the switch, I have only even used the swithes supplied with the RX's....I've never fitted a 3rd.

It is fine not to fit a seperate switch with NiMh or NiCd but not when using LiPo batteries (I hate NiMh and NiCd !!). The receiver continues to draw a very small current with the 'soft' switch in the off position. If using a LiPo then over many weeks the battery discharges and eventually can cause a fire.......I have a photo somehwere of a small 2 cell 1000mah LiPo pack that looks like a small balloon after I forgot to disconnect it and it dicharged, eventually swelling up. The plane was in a bedroom and had been forgotton about for ages.

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Re: Shiny lithoplate

Postby Dave Parry » January 10th, 2011, 1:27 am

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