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twist and turn u/c

Posted: June 22nd, 2011, 8:00 pm
by Arthur Fielding
I am looking for a drawing / plan that will show me how to make a good twist and turn u/c for a 30lb Hellcat.
I have looked at the systems used on small rtf models but even if scaled up the ball link system they use do`s not look very strong.
Any advise would be appreciated .I do have a lathe/milling machine and a little bit of know how.
Thanks in advance.
Arthur Fielding

Re: twist and turn u/c

Posted: June 22nd, 2011, 9:29 pm
by Alan Cantwell 1131
Brian Tayllor was known to give retract construction details on his plans, dont know if traplet include them, heres a snippet to look at, their may be more

make sure you use aircraft grade stock for the parts,

Re: twist and turn u/c

Posted: June 22nd, 2011, 10:24 pm
by Phil Clark
Brians 80+" Corsair plan definately gives details of T&T retracts......only suitable for 15-20lb models though so will need scaling up, but the basic principle is pretty sound.
