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mick reeves 1/3rd scale Camel

Posted: July 26th, 2011, 5:37 pm
by Alan Riozzi
A couple of questions for you dawn patrol flyers
My father has just completed a MR 1/3rd scale Camel and it is nearly ready for test flying.
It has a ZG62 with reduction drive.
The indicated balance point is 8 1/4" from the leading edge of the top wing, and the plan states this is not critical, any advice on a suitable position or range.
We have an aileron joiner as indicated 1/8" ss flying wire. We are thinking of changing this to 3mm carbon rod, as I am worried about the possibility of the up aileron on the top wing blowing back to a level position in flight over-coming the tension of the spring.
Any advice also on control movements. Thanking you all

Re: mick reeves 1/3rd scale Camel

Posted: July 28th, 2011, 10:21 pm
by Mike Ellis
Talk to Mick Reeves !! He designed the model and apparantly he has NEVER had the SS bracing wires part company with the fittings. Mick is only too pleased to help. He has his own build threads on RCscalemodeler also.

Re: mick reeves 1/3rd scale Camel

Posted: July 29th, 2011, 5:57 am
by Matt Harrowven
I fly a MR Camel with DP, my cg is where mick states it should be, but a 1/2" or so either side makes no difference (there is a wire wrapped around the fuz, it's measured directly abouve that). I use brass rod (around 3mm dia) with MR fork ends silver soldered on each end for the aileron connections.
I fly with full movements on all surfaces with some expo to soften the middle, that way it's there if you need it (it's essentially a kite so you will!). Flying the MR Camel is quite 'different' in that you must lead with rudder and 'hold' the angle of bank with the ailerons, which will see you with crossed surfaces, IE: left rudder and full right aileron. Once you are used to it it is very manouverable. You will find it will turn more easily one way to the other as well.
All my wires are MR flat wires as per kit, but one good change to the plan is to use 3mm fork ends, the MR ones had a tendancy to break. Chris Poyser can make you a set should you wish, I've not had a problem with these, hand made with a 3mm right hand thread in one end and a left hand thread on the other makes rigging a breeze.


Re: mick reeves 1/3rd scale Camel

Posted: July 29th, 2011, 7:48 am
by Mike Ellis
HI Matt

Thats an interesting observation regarding the 3mm fork ends. I am doing a 1/3rd pup at present and would prefer to use larger fork ends if it were possible. Would you be able to let me know how i contact Chris Poyser please?

Mike LMA 652

Re: mick reeves 1/3rd scale Camel

Posted: July 29th, 2011, 5:51 pm
by Matt Harrowven
I will point him to this thread, I'm sure he will be happy to help.

Mat :-)

Re: mick reeves 1/3rd scale Camel

Posted: July 29th, 2011, 7:28 pm
by chris poyser
Hi there

thanks for the heads up Matt

Mike you can contact me on 07971669901 although this gets a very poor signal this end, but it will get a text message, or you can e mail me on and i will send you my landline number, i try not to post it its ex dir. i have supplied several MR camel owners with clevises and all seem happy with them, they come in steel or brass, with 2mm hole in clevis, or on my pup i use 3mm,


chris LMA no 2010

Re: mick reeves 1/3rd scale Camel

Posted: July 30th, 2011, 4:46 am
by Mike Ellis
Many thanks Matt. I have e-mailed Chris so hopefully will get things sorted now !


Mike LMA 652