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sand or no sand on laser cut parts?

Posted: October 9th, 2011, 11:53 am
by paul smith
Hi All

Can i ask
I have been sanding down the laser cut parts, in order for the wood glue to take to the wood
is there a quicker way, or doesn't it matter as long as its a strong bond?

Re: sand or no sand on laser cut parts?

Posted: October 9th, 2011, 1:03 pm
by John Rickett
I doubt you're improving much apart from perhaps reducing the accuracy that laser cutting achieved in the first place. I had a set of ribs laser cut (in balsa) and glued them using aliphatic glue without discerning any difference in the bond.
If the cutting has been done correctly, the cut edge should only appear as if there has been a light staining - it shouldn't be charred.