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LMA Genesis Control throws

Posted: December 3rd, 2011, 9:25 am
by Frank Barrett
Does anyone know what the Low/High rate control throws are for LMA Genesis
Frank Barrett

Re: LMA Genesis Control throws

Posted: December 3rd, 2011, 11:23 am
by Andy Boylett
There is a build thread on here showing the Genesis I built (Electric Genesis). It is built to be highly aerobatic. The plane is extremely docile and with the control surfaces as designed you can have as big a throw as you can manage to build in. We don't bother with dual rates becasue of its docile handling. Mike Ellis is the expert and he was the one who origianlly told me about the control throws. He even suggested making the control surfaces bigger because they are so docile. I kept sizes the same but set the throws to absolute maximum ie the rudder moves to within a milillimeter of the elevators, the ailerons move to 45 degrees, elevator 25mm down, 30mm up.
Regards, Andy

Re: LMA Genesis Control throws

Posted: December 4th, 2011, 9:47 am
by Frank Barrett
Hi Andy
Thanks for info, great video on you tube.
regards Frank Barrett