ziroli dc3 servo positions

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paul smith
Posts: 110
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ziroli dc3 servo positions

Postby paul smith » February 11th, 2012, 8:55 pm

Hi All
i am aproaching the installation of the servos in this biggy
the 1985 plan says to fit the 2 elevator servos in the middle to front location of the fuz.
the Lma inspector advised that i fit the servos into the stab, but have read on several forums that
this would cause a c of g issue please can any one help as i am totally confused
many thanks


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Re: ziroli dc3 servo positions

Postby DAVE JOHNSON » February 11th, 2012, 9:18 pm

Paul---i would take the advice of your inspector---there is far less chance of any backlash /slop/flutter if you put short linkages direct to the elevators,i have set up and flown several of the Zirolli DC3,you will need a good chunk of lead up front for balance anyway,so a little more to counterbalance the servos wont be a problem---best of luck with the rest of the build---DAVE

Alan Cantwell 1131
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Re: ziroli dc3 servo positions

Postby Alan Cantwell 1131 » February 11th, 2012, 10:24 pm

think of the weighty push rods you wont be using, short 2 heavy duty arms, 2x 3mm pushrods, 2 ball links, 2 kavan 3mm clevises work for me,

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paul smith
Posts: 110
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Re: ziroli dc3 servo positions

Postby paul smith » February 14th, 2012, 2:47 pm

Thanks guys for the advice very helpfull many thanks
P :0)

Mike Booth
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Re: ziroli dc3 servo positions

Postby Mike Booth » February 14th, 2012, 6:34 pm

I'm going to write an artical on this one for the journal.

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