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Which Charger

Posted: February 20th, 2012, 7:38 pm
by John Evans
Going to get a charger that chargers four batteries at the same time ie Hitecx4 or lipro Quad type. Anyone got anything to say which is best. And would it be best if I got the AC/DC version.
Your thoughts please
John Evans 1915 soc

Re: Which Charger

Posted: February 20th, 2012, 8:45 pm
by Simon Willey
Cant help in that specific charger but , but the one I use is AC or DC and I find that most useful. The Ac connection is the same as any PC cable so I have a lead in the workshop and one in the model storage shed so it makes moving the charger round very simple. , Then just plug it into DC when taking it away with me.


Re: Which Charger

Posted: February 20th, 2012, 8:52 pm
by Mike Ellis
Hi John,

I use the SM8 charger from SM services. They dont make it now as its too expensive to produce ! BUT I have a friend who has one to sell and its hardly ever been used. It charges and cycles 8 differrent battery packs at the same time inc lead acid ones, and all you do is set the cell count and mah required on each channel and away it goes. I,m not sure iff it does lipos as i never use them, but it was about £300 new.
I can let you have my friends number if you feel it would be what you are looking for.

Mike Ellis LMA 652

Re: Which Charger

Posted: February 20th, 2012, 9:16 pm
by Andy Boylett
Do you want to charge fast or just 4 at a time but more slowly?

The chargers you mention are ok but are limited to 50watts charge rate per battery.

The likes of the Fusion L712b charger can charge at 500watts per battery. I use these, fed from a large power supply or 2 car batteries.

Cheers, Andy

Re: Which Charger

Posted: February 20th, 2012, 9:50 pm
by Alan Cantwell 1131
i use the mainlink delta 6, but it does not do lipos all my charge/discharge gear is mainlink, plug it in, press button, make tea, nothing to twiddlle, nothing to set, idiot proof, which for me, is a great bonas

Re: Which Charger

Posted: February 21st, 2012, 12:04 pm
by John Evans
As I said I am looking for info on the quad type charger. This is to charge all current types of battery. If you have one of these, what do you think about the one you have got ?.
John Evans 1915 soc

Re: Which Charger

Posted: February 21st, 2012, 2:49 pm
by Pat Marsden

I have the Quad 4 charger as does Ivan and I use mine on either 12v or 240v with an external power supply, I find it great for what I do, often charging 2 x 3 or 4s lipos of around 4000mah and a couple of 6v 4100mah nimhs at the same time. If just charging nimhs the 12v supply is fine even wuth 4 batteries on charge at once but I have found that charging lipos on 12v often results in an "input voltage error" message, pressumably due to the higher drain on the 12v battery, so I tend to have the generator on and the 240v supply plugged in when on the field.


Re: Which Charger

Posted: February 21st, 2012, 6:44 pm
by John Evans
Hi Pat
Which charger have you actually got (name)
John Evans 1915 soc

Re: Which Charger

Posted: February 22nd, 2012, 7:55 am
by Pat Marsden

I have the JP En Er G Pro Liproquad 6 charger with a Fusion 200W power supply, not sure on Ivans version as I think its badged up differently but its basically the same charger.
