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Engine test bed
Posted: June 10th, 2012, 9:07 am
by richard armstrong
hi all hope everyone is well and enjoying the flying weather, lol
i would like to ask for some tech help in relation to an petrol engine test bed i am about to start building,
parts already got
all wood construct
4.8 bat packs
servo tester from alshobbies
2 engines
FTL26/6462 26cc Gas engine w/ CD-Ignition 1.45PS = $129.99
1x #RCG50cc/9616 RCG 50cc Gas Engine 5.2HP/7500RPM = $206.64
what i need help with is? i am not sure which is the best wat to set up the test bed, with rc receiver and tx or go-down the semi manual root, i am thinking safety first, i have seen a TB on the net using a servo tester and a cheap servo to control throttle, but that was for glow engine, i do want to use a kill switch for emergency shut down
i also want to integrate a tachometer for prop testing but not sure which tacho to buy?
any advice would be helpful, ??
Re: Engine test bed
Posted: June 10th, 2012, 9:17 am
by Alan Cantwell 1131
Cor, sounds posh, my engine test beds have wings on them, i use a mighty hots, with the engine exposed, so i can get at it to make adjustments, it does not spend much time on the floor, having had a bad experiance once, when an engine picked up some debri, and wrecked it, i prefer to get them in the air,
Re: Engine test bed
Posted: June 10th, 2012, 10:00 am
by richard armstrong
I prefer to test engines on the bed to run them in
this way if things go tits up no loss of large model that has taken a year to build
Re: Engine test bed
Posted: June 10th, 2012, 4:22 pm
by Dave Hayfield
What is there to test? if they run, they run, and when you bolt an engine into your model you run it for a while just to check fuel flow etc. and then fly it. Simples!!! These petrol engines have been around for a while, mainly a derivative of something strapped to an industrial machine such as chainsaw etc. Don't worry about it, just use it.
Re: Engine test bed
Posted: June 10th, 2012, 5:50 pm
by richard armstrong
I understand where you are coming from but i a bit anal when it comes to testing, (IT engineer) we all know that branded petrol engines have been proven, but certain Chinese engines are still get the odd hit and miss reviews,
better to test on the ground than in the air, your spend £4000 on a build only to have a failure, and boom a total right off i even test servos
any i don't have an aircraft to put it them on yet i am saving for the wot 4 xl for the 26cc to get me out of the hanger,
i still building my 1/4 scale chippie as a my low wing, and i am still researching a build for a dc3 140"
so a test bed makes sense to run them in and to test the all electrics batteries, etc...
Re: Engine test bed
Posted: June 10th, 2012, 8:56 pm
by Barrie King
For petrols with electronic ignition you can get a dedicated tacho that takes its signal from the sensor, got mine from Just Engines about £15
Re: Engine test bed
Posted: June 10th, 2012, 9:13 pm
by richard armstrong
thanks barry i will get one ordered i will have a look on ebay as well
Re: Engine test bed
Posted: June 29th, 2012, 12:56 pm
by richard armstrong
any Lma member live within Newark notts or close to i have my turangy 26cc with flt ignition, now but not sure how to set up the choke on it as it slight different
any member will be welcome to come for tea and cake, as this engine will be on a test bed, as the airframe is not built yet? to help me under stand the engine set up
choke is one that u turn on but then locks open to the throttle to full then release the choke when you push the throttle to full? never seen this design before?