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request for help with one of my projects

Posted: July 14th, 2012, 8:19 am
by Dave Parry
Hi All, this was one of the letters I couldn’t fit in the Journal due to page restrictions, however I feel I can’t leave it until the next issue at the end of September so I thought I would post it here if anyone can help please contact Dominic.

Hello Mr Editor,
Can I first take the opportunity to congratulate you on this year’s spring issue of the journal, it was a pleasure to read and it reflects the time and tremendous effort that you must be putting into producing it.

My letter is a request for help with one of my projects. I have recently decided to take on one of my Dads unfinished scale models which is a Sopwith 1 ½ strutter in one fifth scale. I have some doubts about the construction and I’m uncertain how to finish the model build. My dad was notorious for building heavy through over engineering, if he could have built it in RSJ he would have done. I’ve only returned to modeling in the last three years after an eight to ten year break and I’m slowly finding my feet after building a wot4 from a traditional kit.

I was wondering if there was someone in my area that could come and inspect the airframe for me and offer some advice as I’m keen to give this model a half decent chance of flight and hope to achieve my rating for show flying in the next twelve months using this aircraft as my first show model!
Any help that you could provide would be greatly received and I would be happy to try and scribble an article tracking the strutters fight for flight.
Dominic Wesley

Cannock Road,

01902 259650

Re: request for help with one of my projects

Posted: July 14th, 2012, 11:19 pm
by Mike Ellis
If this aircraft is a Mick Reeves design then a call to Mick would be a helpful start. If you have the plans, then check to see if anything is differrent as shown on them.
As for this model, If you wish to see step by step construction in every detail, then log into R/C scalebuilder and look under the forums column. Click on Mick Reeves Plans and look for a build thread called " Clives Strutter" Open the build schedule ( 92 pages long ) !!! and look at the full method of how Clive did it !!
This guy ,like you ,hasnt built for 40 years and he had decided to build a Reeves 1/4.5 scale from micks kit. The construction is shown in every way together with all the intricate parts he,s made for it !! The build is an education in itself and should help you enormously ! Provided you can live with someone who has gone "over the top" with his skill lol

Mike Ellis LMA 652

Re: request for help with one of my projects

Posted: July 18th, 2012, 12:24 pm
by robbieskipton
Hi im in kingswinford if that helps, i built the 60% yak 54 so I know a bit. give us a call, If i can help I will. Phone 0n 07793217649


Re: request for help with one of my projects

Posted: July 18th, 2012, 6:57 pm
Hi Robbie---you could always arrange a meet at Cosford !!!! you are coming are you not??? just got back from putting up your banners--look brill--thanks-DAVE

Re: request for help with one of my projects

Posted: July 22nd, 2012, 6:50 pm
by robbieskipton
As Dave said im there Saturday and Sunday so if you come give us a call