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Colour Advice

Posted: October 23rd, 2012, 3:31 pm
by Andrew Taylor
Please might someone advise me as I am very much an amateur with the following.

At present the Koverall has been prepared with non tautening buturate dope.(Dont ask me how many coats to fill the weave. A lesson has been learnt!)

The predominant colour of the model is to be silver. However, about 30% is red and a small area, yellow. Should I not apply silver to these areas as an undercoat or would it be ok to overspray the silver with these weaker colours. Masking off these large-ish areas is easy as they stand alone if it was thought best to apply these weaker colours direct on to the clear dope.

Thank you for your consideration.

Andrew Taylor

Re: Colour Advice

Posted: October 23rd, 2012, 4:34 pm
by stewart clifford
Hi Andrew, I'd' be inclined to do the red and yellow then the silver. Some silvers can be a bugger and will come off with masking(even low tack). Also some silvers paints will mark easily, all depends on what you use.


Re: Colour Advice

Posted: October 23rd, 2012, 7:07 pm
by barrie burton
Andrew,just out of interest,I do not use clear dope on Koverall.I use a water based clear varnish,It is cheap,readily available and does not smell.You can then spray over the top in the normal way.

Bi Barrie B

Re: Colour Advice

Posted: October 23rd, 2012, 8:06 pm
by John Rickett
Yellow is just about the worst colour for having an opaque pigment, you will almost certainly need many more coats of yellow to obtain a solid colour than with silver, which often covers in one coat.
I'd advise you do not try to overpaint the silver with yellow, for the reason just mentioned.
Apply a couple of coats of white primer to the whole model, even yellow primer if you can find any on the areas to be yellow. Then spray the red and finally the silver. Using white primer will bring out the brightness in the colours and the added bonus is it can be rubbed down lightly once thoroughly dry to prepare for a nice smooth finish - don't cut through the primer though!

Re: Colour Advice

Posted: October 25th, 2012, 7:57 am
by Andrew Taylor
Thank you Stewart. Barrie and John for your much appreciated advice.

The subject of the matter is my Monospar which I intend to display at Gaydon in it`s unfinished state, warts and all. I know that Barrie has built and flown an example of the type so I am looking forward to further comment.

Andrew Taylor