Sky 120 servos

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Sky 120 servos

Postby RichardVaughanDavies » January 29th, 2013, 1:09 pm


I'm just about to buy some bits and pieces for my Sky 120 build and was wondering about rx. battery size. As this is my first large plane, what sort of mAh are we looking at? Obviously with the larger surface area of the control surfaces, servos will work harder, but would a 6v, 2000/2400 mAh be sufficient?

RC gear is Spektrum 8000 rx, and will be with 6020 servos (6 off) when I press the "buy" button. :)



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Dave Parry
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Re: Sky 120 servos

Postby Dave Parry » January 29th, 2013, 1:21 pm

Hi Richard, I just used the standard servos that came with my DX7 and 2400mAh 6v battery, it has never had a problem up to now and it has been put though its paces I can tell you.

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Re: Sky 120 servos

Postby RichardVaughanDavies » January 29th, 2013, 2:49 pm

Thanks for that Dave, "buy" button it is :D .

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