Wing incidence pt 2

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Arthur Fielding
Posts: 104
Joined: February 3rd, 2009, 8:18 pm

Wing incidence pt 2

Postby Arthur Fielding » February 24th, 2013, 10:25 am

Hello again
I pressed the post button too soon
Reff the Stampe wing incidence If the engine thrust line is 0deg what are the wing / tail rigging angles relitive to the engine thrust line .
Thanks for your help

Dave Berry 2911
Posts: 90
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Re: Wing incidence pt 2

Postby Dave Berry 2911 » February 24th, 2013, 12:46 pm

Hi Arthur,
Don't know what the incidences are -I built mine as per the original Precedent plans (I believe SLEC uses the same drawings without the French notes).
A common feature of the model that a number of builders have noticed is that it needs a fair amount of down trim when the quoted C of G is used; therefore you could alter the tailplane incidence to reduce this effect - or you could build as plan coz it flies well in any case.

Arthur Fielding
Posts: 104
Joined: February 3rd, 2009, 8:18 pm

Re: Wing incidence pt 2

Postby Arthur Fielding » February 25th, 2013, 8:41 am

Thanks Dave
I have made the tail plane removeable so if the trim is a long way out i can ajust the platform so keeping the elevator level.

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