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Wot 4 Xtreme ARTF

Posted: September 10th, 2013, 1:04 pm
by Geoff McVey
Thinking about buying a Wot 4 Xtreme ARTF kit, suitable for 45cc to 55cc engine, guess a 45cc Zenoah would be good with a tuned pipe, still making slow progress with building my Greenley.

Re: Wot 4 Xtreme ARTF

Posted: September 10th, 2013, 10:20 pm
by Ken Bones
Any idea of the all up weight of these with a 55cc?

Re: Wot 4 Xtreme ARTF

Posted: September 17th, 2013, 11:17 am
by Chris Hurst
I'd also love to know the answer to the weight, in my case it would be with a DLA56.

Re: Wot 4 Xtreme ARTF

Posted: September 19th, 2013, 6:18 am
by sean smith
RCM&E: WOT 4 Xtreme with a DL50 all-up weight 8.75Kg (19lb 3oz)
