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push rods

Posted: October 23rd, 2013, 6:48 pm
by john lucas
I am looking for American size 0.93inch / 2.3mm which I believe is 13swg for a P47. The nearest I can get to the size is 12swg. If possible I would like to get the American size as 12swg is a little to tight for the push rod tubes. The wire needs to 48" long. I have tried soldering M3 ends to the American wire but are unable to get the solder to take to the wire even using flux and cleaning with emery cloth.

Re: push rods

Posted: October 24th, 2013, 6:35 am
by sean smith
Hi John,
I used 48" 4-40 steel push rods on my 109 with M3 threaded ends brazed on both ends.
Du-Bro in the US do them but i think my ones were Great Planes.

48" Threaded Rod (4-40)#891
48" long (1220mm) .093 rod 4-40 thrd. 24/tube.
USD$ 1.79


Re: push rods

Posted: October 28th, 2013, 1:51 pm
by john lucas
thanks for the info, I will it a try.