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Mosquito Cowls?

Posted: October 29th, 2013, 10:44 pm
by sean smith
As most of you know i'm building a fighter/bomber version of Richard's 1/5 Mosquito. My question is which type of cowl was used on the F/B version? I know most of the bomber versions used the 'smiley' cowl with the air-intake just behind the spinner but nearly all the pictures i've seen the F/B versions seem to have the smooth cowl without the 'smiley' intake?
Did all versions use both types of cowls

Re: Mosquito Cowls?

Posted: October 30th, 2013, 6:37 pm
by Jason Webb
The Mossie in the top photo is the airworthy FB.26 which is now in the US and is marked to look like a WW2 fighter/bomber.

The Mossie in your bottom photo is a much later post-war B.35 that is soon to fly in Canada.

The most famous fighter bomber variant was the FB VI which was used for example on Operation Jericho the raid on Amiens jail. This variant would have the smooth cowls without the smiley intake.

Hope this helps.

Re: Mosquito Cowls?

Posted: October 31st, 2013, 8:27 am
by sean smith
Thanks Jason, think i may have to go 'smiley' to help with the engine cooling unless i can think of another way getting cooling air to the engines.
