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Futarba s9154 servos

Posted: June 8th, 2014, 7:47 am
by richard armstrong
i recently obtain 4 Futarba s9154 servos with disc horns

can anyone point help me or know where to get hold of horns that that will fit them

looking for a set or individual horns that will fit an 8 mm output shaft

Speed: 0.14 sec/60° @ 4.8V
Torque: 64 oz-in (4.6 kg/cm) @ 4.8V
Dimensions: 1.9 x 1.1 x 1.0" (48 x 27 x 25mm)
Weight: 1.9oz (53g)
Output Shaft Diameter: 8mm
Power Supply: 4.8V (Futaba does NOT recommend using 6V)

Re: Futarba s9154 servos

Posted: June 8th, 2014, 8:15 am
by Bob Thompson1894
any model shop. You have two in Newark.

Re: Futarba s9154 servos

Posted: June 8th, 2014, 8:36 am
by richard armstrong
Bob Thompson1894 wrote:any model shop. You have two in Newark.

tried both don't stock SA

Re: Futarba s9154 servos

Posted: June 8th, 2014, 9:08 am
by Bob Thompson1894

Re: Futarba s9154 servos

Posted: June 8th, 2014, 10:51 am
by richard armstrong
the servo shaft is not standard, it is 8mm

Re: Futarba s9154 servos

Posted: June 8th, 2014, 12:17 pm
by Bob Thompson1894
Those are a unique spline size. What are you going to use them in?

Re: Futarba s9154 servos

Posted: June 8th, 2014, 3:01 pm
by richard armstrong
Bob Thompson1894 wrote:Those are a unique spline size. What are you going to use them in?

my intentions was to used them as a rudder servos or aileron servo in my 7ft monocoupe, or has replacement servos for the beaver wings

not really decided

alternatively i could use them on the greenley wings up

i need the arms

Re: Futarba s9154 servos

Posted: June 8th, 2014, 4:07 pm
by sean smith

Re: Futarba s9154 servos

Posted: June 8th, 2014, 5:55 pm
by Bob Thompson1894
They are total overkill for aileron servos on something like that. 3001s would do! If you are fussy, then Hitec 645s would be ample. Those are digitals, suitable for big 3d models. Warning:
S9154 Digital Servo Precautions,
-It is best to avoid long leads and Y-harnesses especially with
standard grade wires. If problems are encountered, consider using
heavy duty wire such as Futaba's Heavy Duty Series or Hobbico's
Pro Series, minimizing lead lengths, and/or removing Y-harnesses.
-Current Drain: This digital servo is specially designed for high-
torque or high-speed, therefore very high current drain is normal
at startup.

Re: Futarba s9154 servos

Posted: June 10th, 2014, 6:47 pm
by richard armstrong
Bob Thompson1894 wrote:They are total overkill for aileron servos on something like that. 3001s would do! If you are fussy, then Hitec 645s would be ample. Those are digitals, suitable for big 3d models. Warning:
S9154 Digital Servo Precautions,
-It is best to avoid long leads and Y-harnesses especially with
standard grade wires. If problems are encountered, consider using
heavy duty wire such as Futaba's Heavy Duty Series or Hobbico's
Pro Series, minimizing lead lengths, and/or removing Y-harnesses.
-Current Drain: This digital servo is specially designed for high-
torque or high-speed, therefore very high current drain is normal
at startup.

thanks for that bob good advice mate

i have 22gsw fire in stock

they will be going up for sale shortly hope to replace with 645mg and possible slight heavy duty one to the rudder