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Leaking Dubro wheells

Posted: July 21st, 2015, 8:12 am
by barrie burton
Me,again,I have many sets of Dubro inflatable wheels,problem is they all leak.They leak from the valve,around the valve and the occasional puncture.I am too tight to throw them away.I have tried injecting the fluid used to seal punctures in car tyres,no luck.Is there an expanding rubber type foam that I can inject into the tyre?

Barrie B

Re: Leaking Dubro wheells

Posted: July 21st, 2015, 11:37 am
by Alan Cantwell 1131

Re: Leaking Dubro wheells

Posted: July 22nd, 2015, 4:29 pm
by barrie burton
Allan,I have tried that,the problem is getting the fluid into the tyre via the inflater.It then has to seal everything,yet still allow inflation,via the valve.I was hoping for an expanding spongy foam to fill the space where the air was,but still be bouncy.

Re: Leaking Dubro wheells

Posted: August 5th, 2015, 5:45 am
by Peter Smedley
Have you tried builders cavity foam?

Re: Leaking Dubro wheells

Posted: August 8th, 2015, 8:42 pm
by barrie burton
Peter,I have not tried cavity foam,I assume that it would collapse on impact,I was hoping for an expanding rubber foam.I think that I will have to keep waiting.

Barrie B

Re: Leaking Dubro wheells

Posted: August 9th, 2015, 5:49 am
by Peter Smedley do a pair or 600rv for €28.40. The shop is in Poland. That's about £21. They have an eBay shop so PayPal will give you payment .protection
P.S. €7 shipping to