Position of wing joiner tube

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Dave Osborne
Posts: 58
Joined: September 17th, 2010, 6:39 am

Position of wing joiner tube

Postby Dave Osborne » February 9th, 2016, 1:10 am

I want to have a three piece wing supported at the joint by a traditional wing joiner tube arrangement at the rib section immediately outboard of the nacelles on a twin engine model (centre section and two outer sections). However there is not enough room behind the main spar to put the tube in the "normal" position due to the undercarriage wheel. Therefore I was contemplating putting the tube in front of the main spar where there is sufficient room. Personally from an engineering point of view I cannot see the difference as long as the tube is close as possible to the main spar and the loads are properly transferred to the spar. However, i thought I would check with the wisdom of the collective. I will of course make sufficient measures to prevent rotation of the two wing pieces about the tube etc.

Any thoughts appreciated cheers Dave.

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Rob Buckley
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Re: Position of wing joiner tube

Postby Rob Buckley » February 9th, 2016, 1:00 pm

It will be fine.
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Phil Clark
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Re: Position of wing joiner tube

Postby Phil Clark » February 9th, 2016, 10:45 pm

No problems what so ever........ideally, make sure the phenolic outer is bonded directly to your shear webbing as well as the ribs to ensure loads are transferred directly into the spars.

John Greenfield
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Re: Position of wing joiner tube

Postby John Greenfield » February 10th, 2016, 8:43 am

Totally agree with Phil. No problem with the position in front of the spar but do ensure it is tied into the structure.


Dave Osborne
Posts: 58
Joined: September 17th, 2010, 6:39 am

Re: Position of wing joiner tube

Postby Dave Osborne » February 11th, 2016, 11:17 pm

Thanks for there confirmation and the advice.


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