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Fuel tank problems

Posted: April 16th, 2016, 1:04 pm
by Arthur Fielding
I would appreciate some advice regarding the use of tygon fuel tube when used inside the fuel tank, from the clunk/filter to the out let pipe.
On the smaller petrol units you do not need a very large fuel tank. So when you take into account the length of the felt clunk, in my case it only leaves about 2ins of tygon tube which is to stiff to work properly allowing the clunk to follow the sides of the tank during flight. I wondered what other people do to get around this problem.
Thanks for your time

Re: Fuel tank problems

Posted: April 16th, 2016, 9:49 pm
by Peter Smedley
A Rotoflow tank might be an option. There are several sizes. I have not owned one, though I know there has been some discussion of these tanks on

Re: Fuel tank problems

Posted: April 22nd, 2016, 3:00 pm
by Ronald Bellinger
go to local garden service shop and buy petrol fuel tube it is very flexible and does not harden and is more suitable for connection to carb

Re: Fuel tank problems

Posted: April 23rd, 2016, 6:59 am
by John Greenfield
If you use a felt clunk it does not matter if all the pickup is in the fuel at all times as the felt "wicks" up the fuel and ensures reliable flow to the carb.
Do try to attach the Tygon so the natural curve of the pipe allows the clunk to lay as flat in the bottom of the tank as possible even if this means rotating the tube on the tank fittings.
