sullivan starters

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Arthur Fielding
Posts: 104
Joined: February 3rd, 2009, 8:18 pm

sullivan starters

Postby Arthur Fielding » May 11th, 2016, 9:25 pm

Do`s any one know were in the UK I can get a new switch for a dynatron starter.
Thanks for your time.

Dave Lowe
Posts: 97
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Re: sullivan starters

Postby Dave Lowe » May 21st, 2016, 9:49 pm

Easy enough to repair, the "switch" is just a cube of foam rubber between two copper strips encased within the rubber handle which you press to activate the motor. Remove the end case and the switch can then be removed, slide off the outer rubber sleeve to reveal two copper strips between which you will find a small cube of foam rubber which will have perished, replace this with a piece of new stuff with enough resilience to act as a spring to hold the two metal strips apart except when pressed to start the starter. Assemble every thing in the reverse order to when you took it apart and the jobs a good-un. I've found a piece of rubber mat like you see being sold at the shows for about a tenner is ideal, so check your mates and see if anyone will donate a 1/2in. cube to your project..

Arthur Fielding
Posts: 104
Joined: February 3rd, 2009, 8:18 pm

Re: sullivan starters

Postby Arthur Fielding » May 23rd, 2016, 9:37 pm

Thanks for the reply and advice
I did not state the reason for wonting a new switch, which was that when I use 24v ( which the starter is rated for) the contacts ark and stick in the on position, and had burnt away.
My dynatron is an old model, but little used.But I now have a bigger engine.
An email to Sullivan established that the silver content of the switch contacts had been increased to solve this problem. Sullivan have been most helpful though out.
I now have a new switch ,and just need it to stop raining.

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