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Repainting a Comp ARF model

Posted: June 12th, 2016, 12:39 am
by andywynn
Hi all i am looking at repainting my comp arf eurosport. I know i need to flat back the finish but are there any ackowledged methods of doing this and what is the best type ofpaint to use afterwards?



Re: Repainting a Comp ARF model

Posted: June 14th, 2016, 2:01 pm
by Harry Curzon
I think you can choose whatever methods you like best. Scotchbrite pad or fine sandpaper, any paint system will do but ideally use a primer that is designed for plastic so that it gets a good grip, such as an etch primer, I often use Halfords Plastic Primer. For the repaint of my Eurosport I used fine sandpaper, then Klass Kote epoxy white primer and Klass Kote epoxy colours.
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