Video forum?

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Timothy Huff
Posts: 170
Joined: January 23rd, 2018, 4:12 pm

Video forum?

Postby Timothy Huff » October 5th, 2018, 11:39 am

What about a forum specifically for posts linking to Youtube videos? As a "teaching" resource where we could read posts interspersed with links to Youtube films covering the subject discussed, it'd be jolly useful. Obviously we can all simply search Youtube, but doing it thus makes the accompanying text very tricky. As the videos would be hosted on YT, and not here, it shouldn't add undue load on "our" server. I use YT all the time to get ideas and learn new techniques, but really lament the lack of written information or stills with them..

As it stands, such videos that are linked to are relatively hard to find on the forums, because they're scattered in amongst hundreds of posts, which, I suggest, a missed oppurtunity?

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Rob Buckley
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Re: Video forum?

Postby Rob Buckley » October 6th, 2018, 9:29 am

You could post them in the technical help forum, start the thread with ‘video -‘ to make clear what it is. With the low number of posts we have these days not much chance of stuff being lost
LMA Secretary - I've got a reasonable idea where you live!

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