Twin Rx with DSMX?

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Kevin Watson
Posts: 8
Joined: May 16th, 2010, 7:48 am

Twin Rx with DSMX?

Postby Kevin Watson » April 5th, 2014, 7:34 pm

Hi can anyone help please. Twin Rx with DSM2..yes done it and it works fine, however the way DSMX works precludes the use of twin discreet Rx yes?

If it can be done please advise how!

Otherwise I will need to stick to tried and tested system and use DSMX elsewhere.

Many thanks in advance.

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Rob Buckley
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Re: Twin Rx with DSMX?

Postby Rob Buckley » April 29th, 2014, 9:08 pm

Is this something you've tried or just an interweb rumour?

To see what happened, I just bound two AR7010's to a DX9 in DSMX and guess what? It works!

Just put both RX's into bind mode at the same time and then tell the TX to bind.
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