Sorry Stephen for not getting back to you I have been a little busy I have just PM this message to you please let me know if you received it. I have not has any problems with the Private Messages before so let's hope it is just a glitch.
Are right Stephen I think I know the problem, well it is not a problem really. What is happening is this, when you send a PM it stays in your outbox until the recipient opens it, it then moves to the sent box. Hope this helps.
Roger you haven't updated your details your email address is wrong on the forum, when someone PM 's you the forum emails you to let you know you have a Private Message waiting on the forum for you. you can change your details in your user control panel which you will find at the top lefthand side under the forum logo.
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If you can't do it Roger let me know and I will do it for you.
STEPHEN, i have recieved an email from you, but not a PM, go to my profile, by clicking on my name, find send PM, and send me one, i am about to do the same with you, look out for it, it should go to your email address,