Okay, I am going too attempted; to resolve this myth of can’t post pictures on this forum. Now if you are anything like me, instructions are a waste of time, I can’t follow them for toffee. So I prefer pictures to illustrate what to do rather than read a lot of waffle about nothing.
1.So the first thing is picture size, now, this can’t be more than 800 wide x 800 high, you will have to provide your own picture resize, the internet has quite a few free ones you can use.
2.When you click on post a reply of new topic, and copie your text, scroll down until you see the tab Options, Upload Attachments.
3. then click on the Browse button and find your picture, once you have done that click on Add the File.
4. Click on Place inline and you are done.
So there you have it, I hope this helps anyone who is like me can't follow the written word without good old pictures to help along the way.