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Not bad for a bunch of old fuddy duddy’s

Posted: August 31st, 2013, 9:08 am
by Dave Parry
Last year I announced at the AGM that the LMA was going to have a new website built to bring us up to date and in line with others out there in WWW land. As I posted on here for members suggestions and input as to what they wanted on this new site it meet with mix reactions, some welcome it, some didn’t want it to change.

So cast your minds back a couple of years, Robin Woodhead (then webmaster) meet with strong opposition when he announced a new forum was to replace the old website one at one of the AGM’s. Once it was launched it got worse, many vowed never to us it and for a long time we struggled to get the forum running as smooth as it does today, the main sticking point was you had to use your real name, this was to stop anonymous people posting nasty comments to other members and so on, we still have an issue today with people trying to register with pseudonyms despite the fact that it is the first thing you see on our forum when you click on the page.

So what is this all about, well, the LMA forum that nobody wanted has now reach over a thousand members and is still growing, If I would have included all the pseudonyms that have tried to register then I think we would be looking at well over 3000 plus. Since taking over from Robin I have contently updated the website front page, this has turned out to be very popular and seem to very much like an online monthly news letter. Not one to be content with that I proceeded to create a present on FaceBook this has a lot of followers and up to now has created 326 likes it is also growing daily, this page is now linked to Twitter thanks to Ian Russell setting up a Twitter page so everything we post on FaceBook is also show on Twitter the aim is to link FaceBook and Twitter to the new website so you can access the LMA from whatever device you chose to use. Not bad for a bunch of old fuddy duddy’s don’t you think.

Re: Not bad for a bunch of old fuddy duddy’s

Posted: September 1st, 2013, 6:53 pm
by paul needham
good job you know what you're doing Dave, cause out here where the sprouts grow things seem to take a bit of time to catch up. :mrgreen:

Re: Not bad for a bunch of old fuddy duddy’s

Posted: September 2nd, 2013, 9:37 pm
by Denis Brown
Paul be careful what you say on here it could be classified information you are revealing about Sproutland