Ziroli P-47 test flight

Photos and videos from past shows
Dave Wilshere
Posts: 78
Joined: October 18th, 2013, 7:55 pm

Ziroli P-47 test flight

Postby Dave Wilshere » December 3rd, 2016, 6:48 pm

PMFC has a rich membership base, Richard Johnson has a growing airforce of warbirds, Test flew his MR 1/4 Scale Spit last year, this is the P-47. Next year a Meister Corsair and Zero should be ready!

P-47 has an Evo 80 with custom made Zimmermann exhaust. 22 x 10 4 blade prop (running in size) Its all JR radio with a Powerbox Competition SRS.
Weighs 37lb

I'd test run and set up the engine a month before...but couldn't remember which way the choke worked :-)

Thrust line ended up off, so it needed quite a bit of trimming, he's now added some right thrust!

https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=jEaSsJD ... e=youtu.be

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