futaba S-Bus

The latest information and advice on installing and using 2.4 Ghz systems in over 20 Kg model aircraft
Nick Reeves 3055
Posts: 149
Joined: December 4th, 2008, 5:42 pm

futaba S-Bus

Postby Nick Reeves 3055 » October 11th, 2011, 7:20 pm

hi all,

whilst surfing the net tonight, i have discovered futaba's S-Bus system http://www.futaba-rc.com/sbus/index.html

looking into it, it all seems pretty good but how does it stand with over 20kg scheme. the demo system on the above page only uses 1 rx and one battery so that would have to be duplicated, but does that also mean that there would effectively have to be x2 S-Bus systems fitted to the one airframe??

just curiousity really, not planning on building anything yet that would need it :)


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John Greenfield
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Re: futaba S-Bus

Postby John Greenfield » October 13th, 2011, 6:56 am

One model fitted with the S-Bus system has been through the over 20 kg scheme (I was the inspector)but as with all radio installations there are key issues that need to be addressed in order to have a safe compliant system.
If anyone is thinking of going down the S-Bus route I would strongly suggest that talk with Tony Hooper first to ensure that the installation is carried out in a compliant way.


Mike Booth
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Re: futaba S-Bus

Postby Mike Booth » October 16th, 2011, 10:07 pm

I need to have a look at this as its new to me, but what we need is an accepted redundancy system that mirrors full control over all surfaces.
Just the way 2.4ghz receiver is doing all the time.
I have thought for a long time that the kackhanded, one elevator on one receiver cross over set up is not good enough and has some real issues.

Think of it like this, you warm up and ground run your fullsize engine checking one magneto and then the other.
Both do exactly the same thing with the same result as a full system.
This is my own opinion.
The current system , dreamt up in the 80s just dosent make straightforward thinging to me.
Everything grows and changes for the better and now is the time.

Mike Booth
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Re: futaba S-Bus

Postby Mike Booth » October 16th, 2011, 10:17 pm

Well there we are, Futaba leading the way as ever.

Nick Reeves 3055
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Joined: December 4th, 2008, 5:42 pm

Re: futaba S-Bus

Postby Nick Reeves 3055 » October 17th, 2011, 7:02 am

the only thing i can see with the s-bus system is good for in larger models is reducing the amount off cabling between servos. it is still open for single point failure of the rx. my understanding of multiplexed systems says to me that a second rx (to reduce total system failure) could not be install into the same s-bus system eg 2 rx's feeding 1 s-bus servo system.

i think the s-bus system has been designed and marketed to jet flyers where lots of servos are sometimes needed. it a good idea but seemingly not useable to everyone
Adreneline is a Natural substance, Enjoy it when you can!
Too many planks to count, & two helis all guided by Futaba

John Greenfield
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Re: futaba S-Bus

Postby John Greenfield » October 18th, 2011, 6:58 am


Having has to look into the S-Bus system in detail in order to do the first over 20 kg approval for its instalation I can advise you that system can be configured in lots of different ways and can include 2 receivers and multiple power supplies.
This is why I suggested in my earlier post that you talk with Tony Hooper if you are thinking of going down this route to ensure that the installed system is compliant.

No system is usable or even desirable for all situations but such a system can have its use in some installations.


Nick Reeves 3055
Posts: 149
Joined: December 4th, 2008, 5:42 pm

Re: futaba S-Bus

Postby Nick Reeves 3055 » October 18th, 2011, 7:08 am

cheers for that john. i'm not planning on building anything just yet that will require the system but its good to know that it can be or has been used in over 20kgs


Adreneline is a Natural substance, Enjoy it when you can!
Too many planks to count, & two helis all guided by Futaba

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