Weatronic merges with Power Box

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Weatronic merges with Power Box

Postby martinwaller4 » March 19th, 2016, 8:54 am

Yesterday (Friday) morning following a meeting between Power Box and Weatronic it was announced that the two Companies have merged. Martyn Little the Weatronic UK agent was immediately informed by telephone and many of their customers including myself by e-mail.

This follows the death a month ago of the owner of Weatronic.

I look forward to some great advances as I use Weatronic in all my models and Power Box extensively is my models requiring ignition control or using the smaller non 12-22 type receivers.

Both systems are world leaders.

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Rob Buckley
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Re: Weatronic merges with Power Box

Postby Rob Buckley » April 13th, 2016, 6:17 pm

From the Weatronic Website

Wildau, the 13/04/2016

The German electronics producer PowerBox-Systems GmbH located in Donauwörth has taken over the insolvent weatronic GmbH per 04/01/2016. This message was put in this acquisition great expectations by the media and many modelers. Decisive for the commitment weatronic was an extension of the existing product range with a high quality remote control system.

After buying the weatronic GmbH at the reporting date 04.01.2016 were electronics and the management of PowerBox Systems in Berlin - Wildau and procured better insight into the technical and economic backgrounds of the company. After extensive screening of the stock and intensive discussions with employees of weatronic we came to the conclusion that a continuation of the weatronic products without major revisions of entire structures is not seamlessly possible.

PowerBox system is therefore as soon as possible to revise the entire product range. Understandably, an accurate timing of a restart is not be called.

For organizational and liability reasons no service for weatronic products will take place more. An external partner who sells the still stored original weatronic receivers and accessories, is still being sought.

PowerBox Systems regrets this necessary decision deeply.

It's in German through Google translate, not my German!

LMA Secretary - I've got a reasonable idea where you live!

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Re: Weatronic merges with Power Box

Postby martinwaller4 » December 16th, 2016, 11:27 am

The MD of PowerBox informed me at JetPower 2016 in September 2016 that they planned to have a PowerBox transmitter available at the JetPower 2017 show in September 2017 based on the Weatronic BAT Tx using the same protocols. The new PowewrBox Tx will operate the existing Weatronic receivers. There may be a deal to trade in BAT Tx for New Powerbox TX this is not confirmed.

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Re: Weatronic merges with Power Box

Postby martinwaller4 » February 1st, 2017, 9:57 am

Powerbox transmitter system
20 September 2016
Richard Deutsch - Powerbox Systems wrote:

 Since the Takeover of Weatronic, at the end of April this year, the PowerBox-Systems team is working intensively on the development of a new remote control system. Unfortunately, PowerBox Systems did not meet the expectations of former Weatronic customers to expand the Weatronic transmitters. For technical and economic reasons, this project had to be rejected after the insolvency.
 For this reason, a highly qualified development team, which has only one task: to develop a stand-alone remote control system very quickly. This remote control system will clearly bear the manuscript of PowerBox Systems with regard to quality and function.
 As an intermediate stand, many Weatronic owners can already be guaranteed compatibility with old Weatronic receivers.
 As a timeframe, the team has set 2 years. From today's point of view it can be assumed that the new remote control system is ready for sale in autumn 2018.

Official statement as PDF // ENGLISH-GERMAN


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