Dear All
I am advertising these items on behalf of a friend of mine.
1/3rd scale Nieuport 28 BUSA £500 BNIB
Topflite DC3 (BNIB)
TF 1/7th scale Mustang with B conversion kit BNIB
TF 1/7th scale Sea Fury BNIB
Pica 1/6th scale P40 with retracts BNIB
Midwest 82 span Harvard with retracts BNIB
Sea Gull 81 inch span Harvard with retracts BNIB
Aerotech Lancaster 100 inch ish BNIB (Sold Goff bros)
Premier Tiger Moth BNIB
Part built slec Turbulent
Part built 1/5th scale Pica Mustang with robart retracts
ASM Tigercat with retracts (Correction, sold to someone from the garden of England (Originally))
ASM P61 Black widow
Marutaka 109 60 inch is BNIB
Marutaka Cessna Skymaster BNIB
Marutaka B25 Mitchell BNIB
CMP (Flair) ARTF Corsair 70 ish wingspan slightly shop soiled on the underneath of one wing.
Balsacraft Sea Fury BNIB
Pat French 80 + inch Zlin with retracts and engine ready to go. The Zlin is finished as the one that the late great Neil Williams came into land inverted as a wing bolt had failed he rolled out just before he landed. A tremendous feat of awareness and flying skill.
Regards Phil G.