Topflite giant scale A6M Zero 85” span with Saito radial

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John Webb
Posts: 41
Joined: December 27th, 2008, 5:37 pm

Topflite giant scale A6M Zero 85” span with Saito radial

Postby John Webb » March 13th, 2025, 4:51 pm

For sale : Topflite giant scale A6M Zero 85” span, one piece wing.

– Saito FG60R3 3 cylinder radial with Morris Mini Motors carb conversion and steel exhaust collector ring. Sounds wonderful from tickover to full throttle.
– Robart Pneumatic retracts for main gear and tailwheel. Scale alloy main gear wheels. Jetronics control valve.
– Hytec HS 5645 MG servos all round.
– Powerbox magnetic sensor on/off switch.

The Zero is 4 years old and was built start to finish, and subsequently serviced, by the late, and much missed, Paul Dudley of Kingfisher Aviation. Everything was brand new, nothing 2nd hand. It has never been crashed or damaged. I’ve never counted but I doubt it has had 25 flights. As with all Top flight model it’s a superb easy stable flier.

The only reason for selling is I’m unlikely to fly it and it deserves to be flown.

I’m in the Midlands CV35 7RR, 5 mins from Junction 15 M40, Phone 07786938335, be happy for a chat or inspection here

John Webb LMA800

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