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1/4 Waco ymf partial kit, 1/3 scale Barth Waco

Posted: June 5th, 2018, 1:31 pm
by Colin Deery
I have a partial kit (not much needed to complete) of a Jim Pepino 1/4 Waco ymf[/b] along with the plans and cowl /spats.
Kit was cut by Falcon Aviation a while ago.. very good quality wood.
It has been started, mainly the tail section but lack of enthusiasm forces me to sell.
looking £150 ono.. cowl and spats alone cost more that this to ship from the U.S.A.
I also have a 1/3 scale Peter Barth Waco which was built by another club member I am looking to sell.
It needs covering and a few things to finish.
Open to reasonable offers on this.

I can be contacted on 07923153740.

Re: 1/4 Waco ymf partial kit, 1/3 scale Barth Waco

Posted: June 16th, 2018, 6:23 pm
by John Bird
Hi Colin
I have a 1/4 scale Barth Waco and would like a 1/3 scale Waco, do you still have the model? If so what sort of price are you looking for? I would be interested in just the plan if you have it.
Kind regards


Re: 1/4 Waco ymf partial kit, 1/3 scale Barth Waco

Posted: June 19th, 2018, 10:25 am
by Colin Deery
Hi John.. yes I still have both models. The plans will go with the kits.
I have the plan for the first Run of kits that Barth done, it's quite different that the current one if you are looking to build one!