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Wren 160 Pro- Low Hours

Posted: March 26th, 2019, 9:23 am
by John McNamara
The engine was flown in one model which has since been sold. The engine was kept, as it is such a lovely smooth starting and smooth running engine. However since no projects have come along for this engine, I have reluctantly decided to sell it.
The engine is complete with a project hornet ECU, pump, valves, cables, EDT, I/O board, Mounting straps and manual.
This engine has the CNC milled compressor NOT the cast one.

£1200 or VNO including postage. Tel:07932669895 or email
Wren 160K 002.jpg
Wren 160K 002.jpg (659.93 KiB) Viewed 1850 times
Wren 160 EDT 001.jpg
Wren 160 EDT 001.jpg (480.64 KiB) Viewed 1850 times