New listing for Tx ignition units

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Dave Hayfield
Posts: 223
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New listing for Tx ignition units

Postby Dave Hayfield » June 10th, 2021, 2:47 pm

After 5 years of selling hundreds of Tx controlled ignition switches and failsafe units from ebay I have cancelled all listings from the ebay site. The reason is that they have severed all connection with paypal and they require all of my bank details, something that paypal did not require, to continue with a new ebay method of payments. I am and always will be reluctant to give my bank details to such an organisation which is wide open to possible scams.
To continue selling the units that I produce I will continue by taking orders by phone or email and payment by bank transfer or cheque. My phone is 07831546671 or 01843841691 and email
I can describe by phone or email whatever you wish to purchase for whatever type of petrol engine. The Tx ignition switches are £16.50 and the failsafe units are £9.50 including post. Safe flying Dave
Thanet Model Flying Club
LMA 520

Philip Goff
Posts: 64
Joined: May 4th, 2009, 8:32 pm

Re: New listing for Tx ignition units

Postby Philip Goff » June 11th, 2021, 8:47 am

Are you sure that it is ebay doing this and not
someone trying to scam you.


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Rob Buckley
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Re: New listing for Tx ignition units

Postby Rob Buckley » June 11th, 2021, 9:22 am

No it's real

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