The LMA Web Site

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stuart knowles 1611
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The LMA Web Site

Postby stuart knowles 1611 » December 6th, 2018, 10:42 am

It's raining outside and in an idle moment I have been to the website to look back at past 'Featured aircraft builds' and LMA Members aircraft. One hasn't had any additions for several years and the others seems to have disappeared.

It occurs to me that present and future LMA members will find such information quite valuable and from the way things are going in the modelling world, it will be hard to find and draw on such advice and experience anywhere else.

Is it much of a job to copy completed build threads over onto the web site? Is there mileage in maintaining a record of scratchbuilt models if their owners or builders are willing to document how they did what they did.

I often look back at Harry's Lithoplate missive and video. DJ did a build thread on the Vulcan which unless you saw it at the time is now all but lost.

Does the Team think that these thinks are worth preserving?

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Rob Buckley
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Re: The LMA Web Site

Postby Rob Buckley » December 6th, 2018, 1:13 pm

It is unfortunately a chunk of work to transfer a build thread into a web page...which is why we've not done it!

We have considered a few times doing such things, but like everything, it's the time & effort of doing it.

A 'gash' way of preserving the build threads would possibly to print the whole thread to a long pdf which we could then have for download. Not as funky as a web page, but potentially a lot easier, and would potentially allow downloading for offline reading/reference.

At least with the forum, stuff should be easier to find than FaceBook, which seems to show things entirely at random / what advertising is being sold.
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Cary Bailey
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Re: The LMA Web Site

Postby Cary Bailey » December 6th, 2018, 2:05 pm

Guys, I actually do a build thread onto the RCSB website whenever I'm doing something whether it be a refurb or an actual build. I only do it there as it is encouraged on their site plus I get a lot of "how to" & "wot next" to look out for from the guys there! As we don't tend to do much of a build thread here I have not done so.
If there was more interest to do that then I would.

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Dave Parry
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Re: The LMA Web Site

Postby Dave Parry » December 7th, 2018, 8:42 am

To be fair the best place to do a build thread is the LMA Journal, it is printed, it can be used as a reference anytime, and it is archived for future generations, yet very few do it despite how many times I ask. The late Harry Harland is a good example, he has done one or two articles on different things and are there for everyone to read over and over again.

stuart knowles 1611
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Re: The LMA Web Site

Postby stuart knowles 1611 » December 9th, 2018, 9:56 am

Well, thanks for the responses and explanations. Rob, I fully understand what you say and I have no wish to make work for anyone but, on the other hand, it would be good for the long term future of the LMA if it preserved and made available the experience and expertise of those who have gone before. Keeping and making available past build thread recognises and acknowledges the efforts of the thread author who bothered to write and upload the thread in the first place and encourages builders of present and future builds to add to the repository of knowledge.

It was a wet day and just a thought ;-)
regards to all

stu knowles

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