Graham Buchanan, thank you

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Philip Goff
Posts: 64
Joined: May 4th, 2009, 8:32 pm

Graham Buchanan, thank you

Postby Philip Goff » July 19th, 2019, 8:06 pm

Dear All
Just a few lines to thank Graham Buchanan for all
his efforts regarding the static display at Flying Legends
at Duxford UK.

He has been running this for several years now,
unfortunately I have been unable to attend for
the last two years.

It costs nothing to say thank you to someone
who does things for the benefit of others and
which saves them considerable amounts of money.

So I for one would like to publicly say thank you
to Graham for his efforts and good deeds.

As an aside I look forward to seeing his FW190D XL fly.

Regards Phil Goff

graham buchanan
Posts: 64
Joined: January 4th, 2009, 11:03 pm

Re: Graham Buchanan, thank you

Postby graham buchanan » July 22nd, 2019, 4:45 pm

Hi Phill,
Ah what can I say,,, well I can say you deserve just the same for organizing all your events at Tibenham over the years,
But thank you so much Phill,very much appreciated and hoping we can join forces in 20 20.
Plans for 20 20 AT LEGENDS is underway with our first Team booked,, The Junkers team are coming with there amazing Masterpiece,, we have 2 Ju 188 coming!!! got to see these,,perfect in every detail..

Once again Phil Many thanks GB
Franz Ju 118 team.jpg
Franz Ju 118 team.jpg (348.44 KiB) Viewed 3086 times

Philip Goff
Posts: 64
Joined: May 4th, 2009, 8:32 pm

Re: Graham Buchanan, thank you

Postby Philip Goff » July 23rd, 2019, 10:09 am

Dear Graham
Thank you for your kind words, my post was
to thank you not me, but thank you anyway.

All being well, I can't see no reason why we can't
work together in 2020, with certain provisos.

I am looking forward to it.

Regards Phil G.

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