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Do you like building

Posted: October 19th, 2011, 10:07 am
by Dave Parry
Hi all, After building my second LMA Sky-120 I am in two mines whether I want to have a go at building something else, I have to admit I didn’t enjoy building the second one, I really had to force myself to do it. So is it just me, do you like building or do you prefer to buy ready to go ones.

Re: Do you like building

Posted: October 19th, 2011, 8:20 pm
by James Bourke
I am currently attempting to build my first model and finding it a real challenge. I always seem to be taking 2 steps forward and then 3 backwards. I really do like the building of a plane and looking at your forms and the builds of some of the large planes that you guys are building makes what I am attempting look like I am playing with an airfix kit, but its something to aim for. It does take time but it really teaches you patience, which was very lacking but has improved. Looking forward to finishing what I am doing now and already looking for something else to build and taking a lot of inspiration from the builders on this site.
Keep up the good work.

Re: Do you like building

Posted: October 19th, 2011, 8:30 pm
by Nick Reeves 3055
if i'm honest, building is a means to an end for me. if there is a particular model i want, and it needs built, i'll build it, but i much prefer flying it. i would certainly say im not a 'builder' but i do really enjoy the feeling when a creation i have made takes to the air for the first time. makes the build worthwhile even if i didnt really enjoy it :)

Re: Do you like building

Posted: October 19th, 2011, 9:16 pm
by Paul Holt
for me, i enjoy building but not very good at it! Plus lack of time and space come into it as well. I may only get an hour or 2 free a week so for me i'd rather be flying. Obviously if my numbers come up on tonights lottery this all could change!! :D

Re: Do you like building

Posted: October 20th, 2011, 10:40 am
by Jez Harris
I love building....especially WW1 stuff.....nothing more satisfying than seeing model rise from a pile of wood....wish I could do it full time as a job.


Re: Do you like building

Posted: October 20th, 2011, 11:03 pm
by Andy Boylett
Building is fantastic. I love creating that new thing out of flat stuff! Why be out on a freezing cold field when you can be out in a freezing cold workshop :D

Re: Do you like building

Posted: October 21st, 2011, 11:13 am
by barrie burton
I have been building model aircraft for 67 years,so I am either a masochist,or I enjoy it.People who say that they do not have the time to build annoy me.If you want to do it ,you will find the time.I used to be in my beloved shed a 5.00am to do some building before going to work.I think,however that I am a dying breed.

Re: Do you like building

Posted: October 21st, 2011, 12:09 pm
Barrie--i must also be one of the dying breed---i normally have an hour in the workshop before going out to work,then i normally nip in and glue a few more bits at Lunchtime,then back in the evening----just going in now to do a bit more---see you at Gaydon---DAVE

Re: Do you like building

Posted: October 21st, 2011, 3:06 pm
by Steve Rickett 2333
I think every project goes through its 'tedious' phase..and quite a few don't make it through. Building, for me, is certainly 80% of the hobby, maybe more. I don't get much time at all to fly right now (though today the temperature just dipped below 35°C for the first time in I may get out flying soon!) I find that I can build in all weathers, it only takes me 10 secs to get the building room (rather than 40 mins to the flying field) and I don't tend to crash many while stood in the workshop!...quite the opposite!