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2019- 75th Anniversary D-Day/ Arnhem

Posted: November 3rd, 2017, 10:16 am
by Frank Fletcher
I'm looking for members to build WW2 gliders (Horsa/ Hadrian/ Hamilcar/ Hotspur) to fly at various shows in 2019.

At the moment I have the 1/8th scale Dakota that some of you may have seen at events and a couple of 1/9th scale Horsa and Hadrian Gliders, with a 12th scale Hamilcar almost built. These are heavy models to aero tow, so the idea is to build some lighter, smaller scale models (probably around 1/ 11th scale) to, possibly, double tow behind whatever is available and capable of aero towing.

The idea is to get as many gliders airborne, as can be safely managed, to demonstrate the achievement of and pay tribute to the Airborne Forces of WW2.

Anyone interested in helping with this idea, please make contact through this forum, so that I can gauge the level of interest.

I am looking for a model or plan of the WW2 Hotspur Glider. Scale and condition unimportant, as it will be used as a template to build other models for the ASSUALT GLIDER TRUST.